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đȘ¶ Les journaux LinuxFr.org les mieux notĂ©s de janvier 2025
đ° Revue de presse â janvier 2025
Revue de presse de lâApril pour la semaine 5 de lâannĂ©e 2025
Agenda du Libre pour la semaine 6 de l'année 2025
PremiĂšre publication libre de Multigit
Libre en FĂȘte 2025 : appel Ă participation
Sortie de GCompris 25.0
Alpes NumĂ©rique Libre â « Libre Ă vousâŻ! » du 21 janvier 2025 â Podcasts et rĂ©fĂ©rences
Drone, robot et radio commande
Appel à conférence et participations au Grafik Labor 2025
LinuxFR.org Journaux
Ethernet, Udev, SystemD et CUPS sont dans un bateau, tout le monde saute Ă lâeau
Documenter ou tester, il faut trancher (j'ai pas trouvé de rime avec choisir...)
[HS] Le "cloud interne", c'est quoi donc ?
Recherche films fantastiques sous licence libre pour festival
HS : La "théorie du clan primal" vu par mon ami virtuel
Alternatives Europe
Le Rationalisme
[Message de service] Gagnants des meilleures contributions de janvier 2025
La sexualitĂ© des libristes, tout ce que vous nâavez jamais osĂ© demander
De beaux graphismes dans la version 4 de Bim!
Coup de tonnerre : Red Hat va protéger une partie des sources de son systÚme d'exploitation
GoodTech : les données et l'IA pour sauver les récifs coralliens
Comment Asylum Ambuscade est passé du hacking à l'espionnage
SOC : pourquoi c'est un indispensable en cyberseÌcuriteÌ
La version 4.4 de Darktable est arrivée
API Platform Conference Ă Lille fin septembre
Podcast : pourquoi faire appel aÌ un DSI de transition quand votre DSI est en crise ?
GitLab reconnu au Gartner Magic Quadrant et par Forrester
Un tunnel divisé arrive dans Proton VPN : à quoi ça sert ?
Skiff Mail : nouveaux tarifs et nouvelles offres pour le mail décentralisé
Khrysâpresso du lundi 3 fĂ©vrier 2025
Se libérer du technocolonialisme
Des nouvelles dâArgos PanoptĂšs, la solution de supervision de sites web simple et efficace
Khrysâpresso du lundi 27 janvier 2025
Khrysâpresso du lundi 20 janvier 2025
Khrysâpresso du lundi 13 janvier 2025
Khrysâpresso du lundi 6 janvier 2025
Grùce à vous Framasoft peut décoller en 2025⊠et outiller celles et ceux qui changent le monde !
Khrysâpresso du lundi 30 dĂ©cembre 2024
Framasoft en chiffres, Ă©dition 2024
GCU Squad
GCU Squad! publie désormais sur reddit
Boule de geisha 11.0
gcu is dying, netcraft says
say lâfacteur
Jardin Entropique 26 > 28 Juin 2015, Rennes, France
Pimp my pfSense
deblock moi le filtre lappant encrypté
df âlibxo xml
Mongo or not mongo ?
Linux Graphic
Sortie: VLC 2.0.1
Krita 2.4 en approche!
EKD version 3.0.2
Les projets présents ou absents au GSoC 2012!
ArgyllCMS supporte la sonde colorimétrique ColorHug
Darktable: enfin une version 1.0!
Sortie: Gimp 2.7.5
Mise Ă jour des pilotes Wacom
Nombreuses mises Ă jour de la forge Arkandis
Sortie Luminance HDR 2.2.1
Linux MAO
Ăditorial de novembre 2022
Ăditorial d'octobre 2022
Ăditorial de septembre 2022
Ăditorial d'aoĂ»t 2022
Ăditorial de juillet 2022
Achetez des NFT de LĂ©a
Log4j, Log4Shell et le logiciel libre
Meilleurs vĆux
18 ans de Linux-Meetup au Québec
Ătre rĂ©munĂ©rĂ© avec le logiciel libre
Léa-Linux fermé administrativement
Bonne année 2021
CentOS, câest fini
Le retour du brevet logiciel en Europe
Fedora abandonne RPM
Devops e-confiance h/f
Devops junior
Chef de projet agence digitale
Administrateur systeme linux
DĂ©veloppeur (h/f) c/c++
Ingénieur en développement java
Consultant supervision centreon
H/f ingénieur développement web
Architecte java (h/f)
Administrateur sys&réseau
ESA Wants To Replace E3 With a Bunch of Buzzwords
Hugging Face Clones OpenAI's Deep Research In 24 Hours
Mixing Rust and C in Linux Likened To Cancer By Kernel Maintainer
Air Pollution Reduces People's Ability To Focus on Everyday Tasks, Study Finds
Warner Bros. Releases Dozens of Old Films for Free on YouTube, Bypassing Paid Streaming
Qwertykeys Halts Keyboard Shipments To US Over Tariff Costs and Confusion
Humanlike 'Teeth' Have Been Grown in Mini Pigs
DeepSeek's AI App Will 'Highly Likely' Get Banned in the US, Jefferies Says
AMD is Making Another Run at Nvidia With New 4K-Ready GPUs as Sales Collapse
Researchers Created an Open Rival To OpenAI's o1 'Reasoning' Model for Under $50
Linux Today
Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Apple Passwords
Top Cross-Platform Apps for Linux, Windows, and Mac in 2025
Linux Kernel Source Code Surpasses 40 Million Lines [January 2025 Update]
19 Best Free and Open Source Linux Graphical Calculators
5 Best Free and Open Source Terminal-Based Matrix Clients
Donât Let These Open-Source Cybersecurity Tools Slip Under Your Radar
16 Best Free and Open Source Graphical Git Clients
How to Install Apache Couch DB on AlmaLinux 9
Bash declare Command Usage With Examples
9 Best Free and Open Source Linux Terminal-Based Port Scanners
Linux Weekly News
Kernel prepatch 6.1-rc7
More stable kernels released
Security updates for Friday
Security updates for Thursday
Stable kernel 4.19.266
Security updates for Wednesday
Asahi Linux November 2022 progress report
Welcome Stéphane Guillou, new QA Analyst for LibreOffice (Document Foundation)
Security updates for Tuesday
Security updates for Monday
Linux Games
End of Era
Dex Released
Gear Up
Crimsonland Released
Early Accessed: The Body Changer
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Released
Grim Fandango Remastered Released
Dying Light Released
Sid Meierâs Civilization: Beyond Earth Released
I just pre-ordered The Talos Principle, you should do the same
Ars Technica
After 23 years, the Apple II gets another OS update
Hands-on: Blue Hydra can expose the all-too-unhidden world of Bluetooth
OpenOffice, after years of neglect, could shut down
Linux turns 25, is bigger and more professional than ever
Mozilla is changing its lookâand asking the Internet for feedback
PowerShell is Microsoftâs latest open source release, coming to Linux, OS X
Copperhead OS: The startup that wants to solve Androidâs woeful security
Firefox 48 ships, bringing Rust mainstream and multiprocess for some
Buyer beware: Mozilla deal demands up to $1 billion after Yahooâs sale, Recode says
How Oracleâs business as usual is threatening to kill Java
Google denies altering YouTube code to break Microsoft Edge
How Amazon, Apple, and Google played the tax-break game
A first look at the Fuchsia SDK
MIPS goes open source
Dr. Google is a liar
Windows monthly security and quality updates overview
Compiz: Ubuntu Desktop's little known best friend
Windows Server 2019 includes OpenSSH
FreeBSD 12.0 released
The future of Core, Intel GPUs, 10nm, and Hybrid x86
State of the Gato Address for 2017
Mentifex Urges Chinese UW Students to Overthrow Xi Jinping
Keyboard logging on Hewlett-Packard laptops
PROCLAMATION: June 14th is National Sexual Predator Day
New Book on Methodological Naturalism in Science
Mentifex on Trump Ponzi Madoff Vesco Bilko
How I first heard the News that Theranos bottomed-up?
Guess who this GNU is?
Building Scalable Web Applications Using the Cloud
The Wreck of the Edmund Kuro5hin
Dark Reading
Slippery RansomExx Malware Moves to Rust, Evading VirusTotal
For Gaming Companies, Cybersecurity Has Become a Major Value Proposition
How Development Teams Should Respond to Text4Shell
Why Africa's Telecoms Must Actively Collaborate to Combat Fraud
'Patch Lag' Leaves Millions of Android Devices Vulnerable
Hot Ticket: 'Aurora' Go-Based InfoStealer Finds Favor Among Cyber-Threat Actors
Microsoft: Popular IoT SDKs Leave Critical Infrastructure Wide Open to Cyberattack
Penetration Testing Market Size Is Projected to Reach $5.28B Globally by 2028
Where Are We Heading With Data Privacy Regulations?
Cybersecurity Pros Put Mastodon Flaws Under the Microscope
Brèves HSC
[89] DANE et les attaques par rejeu
[88] Préqualification Nuit du Hack 2012 - Write-up 4005
[86] Analyse du protocole Microsoft SSTP
[85] Oracle 11 et l'authentification
[84] Obtenir les clés SSL en mémoire d'un processus
[83] Etendre les fonctionnalités de nmap et réaliser un scan au niveau applicatif
[82] BrĂšve sur les interfaces RPC Windows
[81] BrĂšve sur WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)
[80] Malwar(e)
[79] Retour sur la vulnérabilité CVE-2008-1930 dans Wordpress
Vuln: Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin CVE-2019-1010241 Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Vuln: Qualcomm Components CVE-2019-2307 Integer Underflow Vulnerability
Vuln: LibreOffice Remote Code Execution and Unauthorized Access Vulnerabilities
Vuln: KDE KAuth CVE-2017-8422 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Bugtraq: On Second Thought...
Bugtraq: Re: BugTraq Shutdown
Bugtraq: Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 4628-1] php7.0 security update
Bugtraq: BugTraq Shutdown
More rss feeds from SecurityFocus
Cisco Security
Holiday shopping, hackers and cybersecurity
VIDEO: Cisco and Ericsson Partner to Accelerate Digital Transformation
Ericsson and Cisco Partner to Create the Networks of the Future
Cisco Announces Intent to Acquire Lancope
nc Simplifies OTT With Cisco Virtualized Video Processing
Cisco and Accenture Extend Global Alliance to Brazil to Help Clients Expand Business Opportunities, Reduce Costs and Improve Productivity
Cisco Midyear Security Report Reveals Sophisticated Cyberattacks Are Defining the Innovation Race between Adversaries and Defenders
Cybersecurity Innovation Race: 3 Things You Need to Know
Why That Home Network Will Really Matter to you Today
How Will Smart Cities Defend Against Hackers?
Financial Regulators Focused on Cyber Security
What Fight Club Doesn't Teach Us About the Yahoo! Breach
The Concerning Case of the Underestimated MegaBreaches
Join us at the Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit
GDPR Compliance: How to get the ball rolling today?
2015â16 Annual DDoS Threat Landscape Report
Fact Checking Cyber Espionage Tactics in the Jason Bourne Movie (Spoilers)
Big banks join forces to fight cyber crime
FBI appointed as cyber Ghostbusters. âWho are you going to call?"
Thoughts and musings from my first blackhat conference
Schneier on Security
AIs and Robots Should Sound Robotic
On Generative AI Security
Deepfakes and the 2024 US Election
Journalists and Civil Society Members Using WhatsApp Targeted by Paragon Spyware
Friday Squid Blogging: On Squid Brains
Fake Reddit and WeTransfer Sites are Pushing Malware
ExxonMobil Lobbyist Caught Hacking Climate Activists
CISA Under Trump
New VPN Backdoor
Friday Squid Blogging: Beaked Whales Feed on Squid
âMagicâ Espionage Malware hits Thousands of UK Computers
Comment Crew Malware is After Drone Technology
ACLU Asks FTC to Investigate Carriersâ Lack of Android Security Updates
Geer, Thieme: Specialization and Institutionalization Have Transformed Security
Oracle Patches 42 Java Flaws, Adds New Code-Signing Restrictions and Warnings
Move Over Conficker, Web Threats are Top Enterprise Risk
DevOps Integration Key to Avoiding Pre-Ordained Security Failures
Bruce Schneier on the Boston Marathon Bombing and the Psychology of Fear
NQ Mobile: Android Malware Doubled in 2012
Linode Hacked Through ColdFusion Zero Day
2025 : 25ᔠFOSDEM début février
Retrouvez-nous Ă lâOpen Source Experience dĂšs demain
Un mode lecture refondu dans Firefox 129
Un Labs pour le test de fonctionnalités dans Firefox Nightly
Menez lâenquĂȘte lors dâune soirĂ©e
20 ans, Le Hack 2024
DĂ©couvrez avec Mozilla les installeurs de Firefox non officiels
Pas Sage en Seine 2024, c'est demain
21 heures pour protĂ©ger les utilisateurs et utilisatrices de Firefox dâune faille zero-day
Le Fosdem revient Ă Bruxelles ce week-end
Gnome Desktop
KDE 4 vs. GNOME 3: An Early Comparison
How will GNOME 3.0 be Received?
DESKTOP SUMMIT 2011 from 6 to 12 August in Berlin
Linux's new Gnome desktop to take on KDE and Windows
Google Summer of Code 2010 Call for Ideas
Debian/GNOME Bug Weekend Approaches
GNOME 2.30 Beta (2.29.90) is Available
GNOME Journal 18 Released
Mozilla Sponsors GNOME Accessibility Efforts
dropline GNOME seeks devs.
KDE News
KDEâs New Goals - Join the Kick Off Meeting
KDE's Google Summer of Code 2022 Projects: Final Report
Akademy 2022 - The Weekend of KDE Talks, Panels and Presentations
The Kdenlive Fundraiser is Live
Promo Sprint 2022
Akademy 2022 Talk Schedule Now Live
New KDE Slimbook 4 Now Available
KDE Apps Mid-Year Update
Submit a Goal and Help Shape the Future of KDE
Got something to say about KDE? Say it at Akademy 2022
Planet Jabber.org
JĂ©rĂŽme Poisson: Libervia progress note 2022-W45
Ignite Realtime Blog: Openfire Monitoring Service plugin 2.4.0 release
ProcessOne: ejabberd turns 20
Ignite Realtime Blog: Spark 3.0.0 Released
Dino: Stateless File Sharing: Source Attachment and Wrap-Up
Ignite Realtime Blog: Openfire 4.7.4 release
Ignite Realtime Blog: Hazelcast plugin version 2.6.1 released!
Ignite Realtime Blog: REST API Openfire plugin 1.10.1 released!
ProcessOne: Matrix protocol added to ejabberd
The XMPP Standards Foundation: The XMPP Newsletter October 2022
Mono 3.8.0 is out!
Mono 3.6.0 is out!
Mono 3.2.7 is out!
Mono 3.2.4 is out!
New Mono Releases!
Mono 3.0.4 is out!
Mono Mobile Profile
Mono 3.0.3 is out!
Silva 2.3 Released
Annoucement: Zope 2.11.7 Released
Annoucement: Zope 2.10.12 Released
Silva 2.3b1 Released
Zope 3.4.1 Released!
Silva 2.2 Released
mxODBC Zope DA 2.0.0
Dell Linux
Chrome OS Wi-Fi Support Running on a Mini 10v... Source Code Available
Dell Linux Engineering to participate in UDS-L (November 16-20)
Dell Recovery Tool Enhancements
Ubuntu Linux 9.04 - Technical Details
Latitude ON Arrives
Ubuntu Moblin Remix Developer Edition Available on Dell's Mini 10v
Dell Announces Masters Program for Dell TechCenter
Dell @ the Red Hat Summit This Week
Dell on Google's Chrome OS and More
Dell Mini 10v and Other Operating Systems
GCU Squad
GCU Squad! publie désormais sur reddit
Boule de geisha 11.0
gcu is dying, netcraft says
say lâfacteur
Jardin Entropique 26 > 28 Juin 2015, Rennes, France
Pimp my pfSense
deblock moi le filtre lappant encrypté
df âlibxo xml
Mongo or not mongo ?
OpenBSD Journal
lladdr-tied Config Support May Soon Land in ifconfig(8) and netstart(8)
Next steps toward mimmutable, from deraadt@
Call for testing on updated Apple M1/M2 bootloader code
Game of Trees 0.79 released.
mmap(2), munmap(2), and mprotect(2) unlocked
Game of Trees 0.78 released
LibreSSL 3.6.1 released
Videos from EuroBSDcon 2022 now available.
Game of Trees 0.77 released
FreeBSD Diary
Renaming a jail
Restoring an INOPERABLE 3Ware unit
grep, sed, and awk for fun and profit
Bacula - copying a job; doing it better
ZFS benchmark
Bacula - copying a job
Bacula: RunBeforeJob on Storage Daemon
Testing the DLT
DLT labels
DLT drive replacement
Two New Security Advisoriers: NetBSD-SA2022-003, NetBSD-SA2022-004
New Security Advisory: NetBSD-SA2022-002
NetBSD 9.3 release
New Security Advisory: NetBSD-SA2022-001
New Developer in February 2022
DragonFly BSD Digest
Lazy Reading for 2023/06/11
HAMMER2 and offline actions
Links for 2023/06/04
Making smbios visible
Links for 2023/05/28
EuroBSDCon papers due today
Links for 2023/05/21
SEMI-BUG and CARP tomorrow
Links for 2023/05/14
Links for 2023/05/07
[raspberry-python] Something for your mind: Polymath Podcast Episode 001
[cubicweb] Monitor all the things! ... and early too!
[anybox] Dig into Elm
[anybox] DĂ©couvrez la startup FraĂźchement Bon
[anybox] Meteor 1.3 release
[anybox] La BDES au 1er janvier 2016
[anybox] Les 3 présentations de la premiÚre rencontre Elm à Paris
[anybox] à la découverte d'ERPNext
[anybox] We are Odoo professional service provider...
[anybox] DĂ©veloppement front-end en Javascript : les outils de base
OST Author has a Close Encounter on Mars with the Rover Curiosity
Seeking prior art where it most often is found in software
Regular Expressions Cookbook
Damian Conway weighs in on new features, best practices and Perls future
Intermediate Perl
Developer Week in Review: Oracle's big bet fails to pay off
Four short links: 22 May 2012
Programming Perl
Learning Perl Student Workbook
Top Stories: November 28-December 2, 2011
[.NET][Windows] Astuce Utilisateur Windows 8 â Comment simplifier lâaccĂšs aux options dâalimentation comme lâarrĂȘt de lâordinateur, la fermeture de session, etc. ?
[.NET][Windows] Astuce IT Windows 8 â Comment afficher les outils dâadministration sur lâĂ©cran de dĂ©marrage ?
[.NET][Windows] Astuce Utilisateur Windows 8 â Comment sauvegarder rapidement des captures dâĂ©crans ?
[Office] Similarité entre deux chaßnes de caractÚres
[Web] HTML5 : quelques nouveautés de l'API DOM pour JavaScript
[.NET] Utiliser GitHub for Windows avec Bitbucket
[.NET][Windows] Astuce Utilisateur Windows 8 â Comment trouver facilement une application ?
[.NET][Windows] Astuce Utilisateur Windows 8 â Comment gĂ©rer ses applications favorites sur lâĂ©cran de dĂ©marrage ?
[.NET][Windows] Astuce Utilisateur Windows 8 â Comment afficher deux applications Windows Store en mĂȘme temps ?
[PHP][Web] Lien "Lire la suite" en Ajax
Error while fetching the feed
Error while fetching the feed
Java Channel
Error while fetching the feed
Re: How to get authenticate to work?
Offline rails application
How to get authenticate to work?
Re: html hit counter is disrupting my navigation bar links
html hit counter is disrupting my navigation bar links
Nested attributes issue
[Screencast] ActionCable - Part 3 - Securing Your WebSockets
Re: Returning empty value in each statement
Re: Returning empty value in each statement
Re: Returning empty value in each statement
Dev Shed
More Java Bugs Lead to More Attacks
Oracle Unveils MySQL 5.6
Python Big Data Company Gets DARPA Funding
Oracle Java Security Woes Continue
Secure Your Business for Data Privacy Day
Google Testing Security Fob Password Alternative
Oracle's New IaaS Cloud Option: There's a Catch
Perl Turns 25
Apache Unveils Cassandra 1.2
Oracle Acquires Eloqua to Boost Cloud Presence
Spring Data
Programming Android
Hadoop Operations
Programming Hive
Continuous Enterprise Development in Java
Java EE 6 Pocket Guide
Testable JavaScript
Continuous Integration mit Hudson Jenkins
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
Testable JavaScript
Document Your API with ApiDoc
Configure MailCatcher with Laravel
Implementing PHP Collection Classes
Expression Engine from a Laravel Developers Perspective
Programmatically Create Sample Testing Data in PHP
Using AngularJS 2 in PHP via PrimeNG UI Components
Using Doctrine ORM with Symfony PHP Framework, Part 2
Using Doctrine ORM with Symfony PHP Framework
Combining WebComponents with PHP via PrimeElements
E-mail Verification in PHP
Nim version 2.2.2 released
Nim Community Survey 2024 Results
Nim version 2.0.14 released
Launching the 2024 Nim Community Survey
Nim version 2.0.12 released
NimConf 2024 - Nim Online Conference
Nim versions 2.2.0 and 2.0.10 released
Nim version 2.0.8 released
Nim version 2.0.6 released
This Month with Nim: October 2023 to June 2024 (It is a long month)
Je Suis Libre
wbmclamav 0.16
Langage Linotte 2.4.0
Apertium 3.2 (mais voir texte
libremail 2.5 suivantes
Abc-Map 1.02
SMI 1.0.0
Piwigo 2.7.2
rpmorphan 1.15
stantor_BBB_v04 stantor_BBB_v03 stantor_BBB_v05
Error while fetching the feed
Linux Games
Error while fetching the feed
Nginx 1.26.3
CURL 8.12.0
Squid 6.13
Thunderbird 135.0
Binutils 2.44
FireFox 135.0
GParted-livecd 1.7.0-1
GParted 1.7.0
Scribus 1.7.0
Qt 6.8.2
Black Friday : les promos tech que nous avons dénichées
TSMC va produire des puces 3nm aux Etats-Unis
[Sponsorisé] BLACK FRIDAY : Nettoyez votre Mac à prix cassé !
Les données statistiques "anonymes" d'Apple ne le seraient pas
iPhone 15: Ming-Chi Kuo confirme l'USB-C mais pas toujours l'USB 3
Offre d'emploi
Apple TV 128 Go: seule la moitié de la capacité est exploitable
Une action collective contre Apple l'accuse de traquer ses clients
Apple lance un avertissement lié aux tensions de production de ses iPhone
Un employé d'Apple a dérobé à la société 17 millions de dollars
Broadcom vient de présenter 4 nouvelles puces 802.11ac au dernier CES.
TRENDnet lance son extenseur de réseau Wi-Fi N 300Mbps
Bonne année 2012
Toute l'équipe de WlanFr vous souhaite un trÚs Joyeux Noël !
Caméras IP BrickCom
Le Nokia Lumia 800 est le premier Nokia avec Windows Phone...
Sfr veut il economiser le cout de la 4G
Du Wifi dans les avions TAM
Hadopi viens de coincer un délinquant en FreeWifi
Transcend récompensé pour son brevet exclusif pour SSD !
Error while fetching the feed
FSF Europe
La Liberté des Routeurs en Europe +++ Hambourg soutient le Logiciel Libre +++ Parlement Européen
Hamburg wants to focus more on Free Software
Etalab shows how Free Software can be made available for the public sector
Router Freedom challenged by new European rules
FSFE calls for a more inclusive competition law in Europe
FSFE nudges emergency ventilator project towards a Free Software License
Public Hackathons +++ Munich supports Public Code +++ New Podcasts
Munich commits to "Public Money? Public Code!"
NGI Pointer Begins Funding Calls for Projects Designed to Improve the Internet
Netherlands commits to Free Software by default
18,000 Microsoft Jobs Gone... Eventually?
Steve Ballmer is Going to Frickin' Retire From Microsoft!
A Microsoft Without Sinofsky?
Microsoft FY12Q4 Results - Plus That Lost Decade Thing
Microsoft FY12Q3 Results
Microsoft FY12Q2 Results
Microsoft FY12Q1 Results
Friday! Friday! Friday! Microsoft Company Meeting 2011!
Microsoft Annual Review 2011
Microsoft FY11Q4 Results
Grippe Aviaire
Error while fetching the feed
Erreur de fil RSS dans WordPress 6.1
Mettre Ă jour automatiquement votre Ubuntu
Mon hommage Ă lâami Jimmy Pierre
Fedora Server : un upgrade de 34 Ă 36 qui se passe mal !
Clés PuTTY pour OpenSSH sur Windows Server
Journaliser lâactivitĂ© DNS de Firefox
Installer et configurer OpenSSH sur Windows Server
Upgrade Jammy vers Kinetic
Minimisation du bruit des réseaux Windows avec PowerShell
Minimiser le bruit sur les réseaux Windows