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Linux [fr]
Linux [en]
Dark Reading
Slippery RansomExx Malware Moves to Rust, Evading VirusTotal
For Gaming Companies, Cybersecurity Has Become a Major Value Proposition
How Development Teams Should Respond to Text4Shell
Why Africa's Telecoms Must Actively Collaborate to Combat Fraud
'Patch Lag' Leaves Millions of Android Devices Vulnerable
Hot Ticket: 'Aurora' Go-Based InfoStealer Finds Favor Among Cyber-Threat Actors
Microsoft: Popular IoT SDKs Leave Critical Infrastructure Wide Open to Cyberattack
Penetration Testing Market Size Is Projected to Reach $5.28B Globally by 2028
Where Are We Heading With Data Privacy Regulations?
Cybersecurity Pros Put Mastodon Flaws Under the Microscope
Brèves HSC
[89] DANE et les attaques par rejeu
[88] Préqualification Nuit du Hack 2012 - Write-up 4005
[86] Analyse du protocole Microsoft SSTP
[85] Oracle 11 et l'authentification
[84] Obtenir les clés SSL en mémoire d'un processus
[83] Etendre les fonctionnalités de nmap et réaliser un scan au niveau applicatif
[82] Brève sur les interfaces RPC Windows
[81] Brève sur WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)
[80] Malwar(e)
[79] Retour sur la vulnérabilité CVE-2008-1930 dans Wordpress
Vuln: Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin CVE-2019-1010241 Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Vuln: Qualcomm Components CVE-2019-2307 Integer Underflow Vulnerability
Vuln: LibreOffice Remote Code Execution and Unauthorized Access Vulnerabilities
Vuln: KDE KAuth CVE-2017-8422 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Bugtraq: On Second Thought...
Bugtraq: Re: BugTraq Shutdown
Bugtraq: Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 4628-1] php7.0 security update
Bugtraq: BugTraq Shutdown
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Cisco Security
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Ericsson and Cisco Partner to Create the Networks of the Future
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Cisco and Accenture Extend Global Alliance to Brazil to Help Clients Expand Business Opportunities, Reduce Costs and Improve Productivity
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Join us at the Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit
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2015–16 Annual DDoS Threat Landscape Report
Fact Checking Cyber Espionage Tactics in the Jason Bourne Movie (Spoilers)
Big banks join forces to fight cyber crime
FBI appointed as cyber Ghostbusters. “Who are you going to call?"
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Schneier on Security
AIs and Robots Should Sound Robotic
On Generative AI Security
Deepfakes and the 2024 US Election
Journalists and Civil Society Members Using WhatsApp Targeted by Paragon Spyware
Friday Squid Blogging: On Squid Brains
Fake Reddit and WeTransfer Sites are Pushing Malware
ExxonMobil Lobbyist Caught Hacking Climate Activists
CISA Under Trump
New VPN Backdoor
Friday Squid Blogging: Beaked Whales Feed on Squid
‘Magic’ Espionage Malware hits Thousands of UK Computers
Comment Crew Malware is After Drone Technology
ACLU Asks FTC to Investigate Carriers’ Lack of Android Security Updates
Geer, Thieme: Specialization and Institutionalization Have Transformed Security
Oracle Patches 42 Java Flaws, Adds New Code-Signing Restrictions and Warnings
Move Over Conficker, Web Threats are Top Enterprise Risk
DevOps Integration Key to Avoiding Pre-Ordained Security Failures
Bruce Schneier on the Boston Marathon Bombing and the Psychology of Fear
NQ Mobile: Android Malware Doubled in 2012
Linode Hacked Through ColdFusion Zero Day